Friday, 12 April 2013

Light Trails no.2

Today we went to take more light trail photographs (now using the park instead of the beach, so that we didn't have to walk for an hour!). I tried to buy more glow sticks that would be colours that resembled the northern lights more than my first attempt, however the shop's stock of thick glow sticks was very low, so I could only get hold of blue and yellow ones. I was hoping that if I moved them fast enough it might create a green glow.

Because I liked the effect so much from my previous test shot, I wanted to use the light produced by the torch on my phone; I really love the crisp bright light trail it made. But because it doesn't really represent the northern lights on it's own, I decided to combine it with the movement of the glow sticks. The photo in the top left is my favourite, I used a purple filter of the top of the light and combined it with the blue glow stick, and I just love the effect; it's so pretty and slightly hypnotising! That one was produced by holding the two light sources in different hands and moving them at different spends, whereas the photo in the bottom right was done by holding both light sources in the same hand and creating trail.

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