Friday, 29 March 2013

Easter Holiday Plans

Things I plan to do over the easter holidays:
  • Make sure my skecthbook is completely annotated
  • Take more light trail photographs
  • Begin drawing
  • Begin gathering photos for construction and colour ideas for final outcomes
  • Begin infleunces essay
  • Prepare presentation.
  • Begin mood boards
  • Research creating textile patterns with bleach (adding more research to pinterest if I can't print it off)

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Light Trails no.1

With the first lot of light trail photographs I was very limited with what I could do as I couldn't alter the exposure time, however with a more advanced camera (even though the longest exposure time is only 30 seconds) I was able to change the exposure time so it could capture the movement of the light.

I tried to find a location that had limited other lights, which I thought I had, however a few golden lights have turned up, however I don't feel they ruin the photographs, so it's okay. 
Because these turned out so well I want to experiment with some other colours, instead of just editing these on Photoshop, and hopefully I can experiment with two colours in one shot and see what effect that has.
So I shall be off to buy some more glow sticks!

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Workshop no.3

To develop from our prints we started to use other methods.
The first was using layers of stuck down materials to create surfaces for prints, or prints by themselves, my first one was to look like the northern lights; the ripples of light coming down, I was hoping that when it was printed there will be a contrast in the strength of colour so that that I can work into it. The second was purely just to create interesting shapes and surfaces, so would hopefully inspire something else.

The second method we used is called carborundum printing, this is using sand to create a surface that once dried can be used for printing. It is quick and easy to do. However it does have it's limitations, because although you could create quite intricate drawings with the glue and sand, it is only one level and may lack the illusion of depth once printed, they can also only be used a couple of times.

The first carborundum print was inspired by this photograph taken from 'Landscape Photography'. I really love the effect of star trail photographs, because it shows and tiny and insignificant earth can be when you can see the movement of the stars around you, if it's possible I would quite like to have a go at producing these types of photos.
The second print was inspired by the movement of the northern lights and the third, slightly from the star trail photo, but pulling the trails in unconventional directions.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Workshop no.2

Today we were progressing our pieces from the drawing workshop yesterday by trying to translate some of it in to mono-prints. One of the methods we were shown was rolling the ink out on the surface, placing a piece of paper over it and drawing directly on to the paper so that on the opposite side our drawing would appear in ink. Another method was drawing directly into the ink so that when we printed the image it would print the negative space. However I didn't feel that either of these methods really related to my project, so instead I decided to combine two different colour ink and force them together, using the roller to create wave like patterns. At first I was skeptical about how it would turn out, but I was unbelievably happy with the print.

I then tried a version of the drawing in method, but instead of drawing an image I tried to incorporate the wave movement from above. 

Which I think was very successful as well, I would love to come up with a way that I could translate this into fabric, without creating a silk screen, as I wouldn't want it to be an obvious pattern, as natural phenomenons are very unpredictable and never look the same, so having a pattern would defeat the object of what I am trying to achieve.

Monday, 11 March 2013

Workshop no.1

In the morning we went through our statements of intent which was rather stressful, however it turns out mine was better than I thought it was, however I am still slightly stuck for a title, hmm...
In the afternoon thought we started drawing to try and generate some ideas.


When I was looking through one of my reference books- 'The Natural World Close Up'- I came across this image of a butterfly wing, which I thought was really beautiful and has a great repeat pattern to it. Especially as the books provides images of it magified at different scales, which made the drawings easier as the drawings were progressing in terms of media and methdod. My favourite drawings are the drawing of the butterfly done in fine liner, and the magified image done in fine liner. I find when drawing, that uses fine liners are one of my favourite methods.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Tate Workshop

Today Esther and I went for a workshop at the Tate Liverpool with Jennifer Collier.
We started off the morning by looking through her portfolio, most of which I had seen before as I have researched her for previous projects, which made the whole experience very exciting for me; meeting an artist who's work I like so much.
We then did a couple of techniques that she uses in her work, most of which I had used before, like trapping things in teabags and using wax.
All of the little samples we made went towards making a little "sketchbook", made in the style of her work.
We then went to have a look at the Glam exhibition as that is what our afternoons work would be based on, however we didn't have much time to look around, so I couldn't find much inspiration for my FMP, but we were given an open ticket to the exhibition so I will definitely be going again to have a good look around and hopefully I shall find something relevant or inspirational.

Although I don't think any of the techniques will be relevant in my project it was still a wonderful opportunity and a great experience; working with a current and contemporary artists.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

The First Photos...

To start getting some primary research I went to the beach to try and get some photograhps, however the clouds were hanging a little too low above the horizon so I only had a limited time to get photos of the sunset, but I will go back to get more.

I also wanted to have a go at doing some star trail photographs, however I couldn't effectvely change the exposure time on my  camera, so these will have to be done with a different camera. But I did attempt to do some normal light trail photographs down lord street, but because I had to move the camera to produce lines I couldn't depict what kind of pattern I would get.

These were a couple of my favourites. I used the lights from the trees down Lord Street to create the blue and the green, I was trying to create a pattern that could be interpretted as the northern lights, however it wasn't successful, but the overall effect is good.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013


 I'm so annoyed, I have looked through three different libraries trying to find books relevant to Natural Phenomenons, and there is nothing, you'd think there would be a book that is actually entitled 'Natural Phenomenons', but no! I even bought a book from TK Maxx called 'The Natural World Close Up' and it's a fantastic book, but not everything in it would be classed as a "Phenomenon", although the images will provide some great inspiration for textile design once I get to that point, as the images of these things quite up are very beautiful.

For better research I've ordered this book off of amazon!

It included; images, diagrams and explanations!
And I'm hoping it will be delivered soon!

Monday, 4 March 2013

I Have Chosen...

For my final major project I have chosen to look at Natural Phenomenons!
I always find myself drawn to natural forms, I just think there is such a magical aspect to it that such beautiful things can just happen, as if it's just by accident.
I was slightly worried about going down the natural route, as it feels like something that will have been done to death, so it may be difficult to put my own twist on it, but I think Phenomenons, such as the northern lights, or bioluminescences is something that may not have been looked at much before.

To start gathering ideas and for research I have created a Pinterest board, so that any articles and images I find are all in one place and will take me (or should take me) directly back to the site they are originally from. I really Pinterest, I can spend hours "pinning". Hopefully this will also gives me ideas of primary research I can do, for example what photographs I could take.

Friday, 1 March 2013

Lets Get Started...

Yesterday we had the conference to discuss FMP (final major project), it was meant to be in the theatre but apparently there is no internet in there so the presentation wouldn't work, so we had it in the conference room.
I think by the end of the presentation we were all petrified, we all knew that our Final Major Project was big, but I don't think we could have imagined how big it is. 

Personally, I'm finding it really rather scary, but I think it's because I haven't got a definite idea of what I want to do yet and the presentation was kind of an information overload! As soon as I get going with it all I know I will get into the stride of it and just enjoy and what I'm doing!
Now just to get an idea...